Discover an online System for small businesses that simplifies business management, maximizing benefits wherever and whenever you want. We offer the technological platform to assess the development and the outcome of organizations to get higher profitability without increasing costs, adapted to different sizes of businesses.
Change work objectives with a simple click. Generate more benefits, simplify business management by automating tasks and speeding up processes. Use sensors, Apps and other technologies to automate and gather and interpret data that offer knowledge, information and service.
Anticipate your current reality with the thread of your activities and processes in computing. Generate and take advantage of the benefits of science, technology, innovation and small system and process improvements to generate a great medium-term impact. Apply small improvements to generate less friction and less resistance to change, and we accompany you to take your organization to excellence.
It is key in our platform and patent in our designs and price plans, to help forge a prosperous, more sustainable future without leaving anyone behind, so that all companies can achieve the desired goals.
For this, we make App, sensors and other technologies to automate, collect and interpret data that offer knowledge, information and service. Infograph
The platform we offer, refers to the registration of the companys activities. We detail the costs and benefits that the activity of the company, society and global. Thanks to this, it is possible to analyze if the company has complied with its mission effectively and sustainably. We include all the results, both the positive results and those negative that arise from the activities and in a proprietary and private way, the companies see monitored for decision making, rectify and improve. Efficiency starts in the life of each company, before reaching adulthood and much before founding a company. The consequences of poor efficiency are very important and now we can not leave this fundamental subject of life in society pending. .
In detail: Attendance management, Vehicle Use Management, Tool Use Management, Work Orders and Materials, Inventory Assistance, Waste Management, Fat / Sat (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ), Invoices / Shipments, Incidents, ISO Evidence and Interactive SWOT, Training and Block Management, Assistance, Technification, Competition, Communications to the Company, EPIs Request, Manual Records of Equipment, Environmental, Machine and Human Parameters, Automatic Unalterable Parameters Register through IoT devices of equipment, environmental, machine and human. Equipment rental, rotative audits and evidences, management of offer cards for the staff and customer loyalty.
Create the benefits plan with a single click. Configure the service without need for knowledge. Customize your production plan to your size and rely on our experts when you want.
---all the information of the manufacture or service, in a digital information model created by all the agents involved in a TOKEN that we call "ZUM" (Zoom Unique Modeling). This implies the evolution of traditional transparency and traceability systems based on design, since it incorporates real-time cost and maintenance information.
It is not just a digital platform. It also includes a methodology and associated processes. When an anomaly is detected, it is visually represented in the exact place of the affected sensor, which facilitates the actions to be implemented. This tool contributes to decision making and allows the implementation of the ideal product twin.
The ZUM improves productivity by decoupling the different services (engineering, maintenance, exploitation, etc.), allowing them to use a single and common tool.
- Get a bigger impact on the company. Multiply by four the adherence of your employees.
- We anticipate so that it takes place before the appointed time and to be predictable.
- Waiting for "tomorrow" to have the experience and solutions of the "future" might be too late.
- It is essential that companies achieve a better future, a world where technology is vital to achieve excellence for their customers.
- Increase the satisfaction of your employees, transportation,, training, PPE,
- Save time in daily management. Set up the service easily and don`tt worry.
- Stakeholder management is an absolutely essential element in the framework of the development of the strategy of any organization.
- Offering the flexibility and ease of use to make the majority of employees use it
- Assist in ranking activities in order of importance with the ability to carry them out effectively.
- To be a team by your side that captures the style, understands the desire and proposes solutions.
- Digitize our creativity, experience and knowledge.
- Offer proposals and the organization decides, the control is always the company.
- We always offer free, objective and impartial recommendations.
Is there anyone who does not want to save to invest?
Ensenyança, 20 - 25400- Les Borges Blanques
Tel. +34 64 94 02 900